Who hoo's there?

Well, its a hoot to have you visit! My quill scribblings are merely a sprinkling of crafty dreams, a dash of vintage finds, and a heap of owl's tales... , Owly Byrd

St. Patty Twisters

St. Patty's Day Tongue Twisters 
(with explanations) 

Babbling brooks bubble 
between blossoming banks.
                      (Ireland in springtime) 

Six thick blackthorn sticks.
(a collection of shillelaghs)

We shall surely see
the sun shine soon. 
   (an Irish weather report) 

Sly snakes seek shelter.
(serpents try to evade St. Patrick)

Say each tricky twister 3  times in a row, as fast as you can.

From Shamrocks, Harps, and Shillelaghs by Edna Barth
